Monday, September 28, 2009

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Oh Robert Langdon, how I’ve missed you over these years since Da Vinci Code came out! And now you’re back and once again at the center of a controversy. At least this time you didn’t have to trek all the way to Europe for it, you only had to head down to Washington D.C. So, first and foremost, is The Lost Symbol good as The Da Vinci Code? Yes, I think so. Not quite as good, in my opinion, as Angels & Demons, but still quite respectable. It’s a genuine Dan Brown thriller; full of symbolism, mysterious meanings, crazy theories and of course, a mysterious bad guy running the show behind the scenes. If you like Dan Brown in general, you’ll enjoy The Lost Symbol and you’ll tear through it very quickly. The entire book takes place over 12 hours, which has to be one of the longest, strangest days Robert Langdon has ever experienced. But for the reader, it’ll only take you a few hours and is simply an excellent way to kill some time.