Thursday, September 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn

I promised a review of the last book in the Twilight series once I'd read it and I can finally say I got my hands on a copy of Breaking Dawn. I've been in the library queue since the book first came out and it was such a hot commodity it took that long to get it to me. Anyway, Breaking Dawn picks up the story of Bella and Edward with their marriage soon after graduating high school. I won't get in to all the plot details because I would hate to ruin the story for anyone who hasn't read it, but needless to say, I feel like Stephenie Meyer did a good job wrapping up the series. I did feel like Bella had it a little too easy in the book - especially after all the postponements of marriage and even sex in the first three novels. A few pages into this one, and bam, the two of them are quickly checked off the list. Overall, though, I enjoyed the story, especially Bella coming into her own and the return of the infamous Voltari, Even if Meyer did wrap everything up a bit too neatly, I would still recommend the book to anyone who is reading the series - you have to find out how it ends after all, don't you?