Thursday, November 20, 2008

Books I Haven't Read

I love to read as is obvious by this entire blog. I thought it might be funny to list the so-called must read books that I haven't tackled yet for one reason or another. Some are due to lack of interest, others lack of time, still others are always just too far down on the list...

Lolita (Nabokov): This is perpetually on my list, I even went so far as to request it from the library but for some reason the copy I ended up getting was in Spanish so back it went.

The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky): After reading and enjoying Anna Karenina, this jumped on to the list, yet though I have the book, it just sits there, unread. Mostly because I know that it will be a commitment to read and I haven't psyched myself up for it yet. All the other Russian novels fall into this category as well - War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, etc.

A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens): I know, I know, how did I not read this in school? I think my class read Great Expectations or Great Gatsby or something else instead. So I still haven't tried this Dickens classic.

Lord of the Flies (Golding): I'm not sure how I missed out on this one but after hearing it discussed ad nauseum, I have no desire to actually read it myself.

Catch-22 (Heller): This is one I do want to read but for one reason or another I never remember that I want to read it! One day I'll remember and actually get it from the library.