I have been meaning to read this series for awhile now, and kept putting it off. Finally I got the first book, The Gunslinger, from the library and read it. And wow, I was blown away and definitely wanted to keep going. So I got the rest of the books from the library and spent five days over the long weekend reading the next six books in the series. And these are not small books, but they are just so engaging, that I couldn’t put them down. I read while I worked out, while I ate, while I watched football, while I did practically everything. A quick synopsis is all I can give you since these books are so detailed, but I’ll do my best to get you hooked. These books are the story of Roland Deschain, the last gunslinger of Gilead. Gilead is in Mid-World, which calls to mind the Old West with a bit of magic thrown in. Mid-World was once inhabited by the “Old People” whose knowledge allowed for technological advances, but that knowledge has since been lost. Roland’s lifelong quest is to find the Dark Tower, to stop the rest of the universes from coming undone and ending all life. Throughout his journey, Roland picks up a band of misfits who become his ka-tet, a group of people bound together by a shared destiny. This group consists of Eddie Dean, a former heroin addict, Susannah Dean, a woman who lost her legs in a NYC Subway accident, Jake Chambers, an 11-year old from New York, and Oy, a bumbler from Mid-World. As I stated before, these books are complicated and I won’t try to synopsize every last detail; just know this, if you liked Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, you will love this series. Even if you’re not a Stephen King fan, this isn’t like his horror novels, this is more along the lines of the Green Mile or The Stand.
For a bit of history – Stephen King wrote the Gunslinger in 1970, although it wasn’t published until 1984. The last book in the series, The Dark Tower, came out in 2004. Part of his motivation for finally finishing the series was the car accident in Maine in June of 1999 that nearly killed him. If you pick up the paperbacks of these novels, you will be able to read all about it yourself, as King has provided a foreword and afterward for each novel, describing his thought process.
Book 1 - The Gunslinger
Book 2 - The Drawing of the Three
Book 3 - The Waste Lands
Book 4 - Wizard and Glass
Book 5 - Wolves of the Calla
Book 6 - Song of Susannah
Book 7 - The Dark Tower